Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Winter Point of Prototype Blasting From September 30 2003

1:02 am from the pages of the mouth of


When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting. When the last thing living dies, my job will be finished. I’ll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights, and lock the universe behind me as I leave

in Dream Country:

“Pathos of Genre” Douglas E. Winter: Genre is the bastard child of expectation…Anticipation…There is little room for surprise or wonder…

…In this sudden quest for identity, for a way of labeling whatever impulse had given readers and filmgoers the particular appetite for chaos that marked the fading 1970s, the coming 1990s, the moment was what mattered: for writers, notoriety and income; for booksellers and publishers, sales…

…The word, the word: the horror, the horror…

…A fiction whose fundamental impulse was the unsafe--- the breaching of the taboo, the creation of physical and metaphysical unease--- was being made safe for mass consumption…Soon, a “horror” existed--- and thus as capable of reproduction, marginalization and, indeed, denigration…

…That’s not writing horror fiction. That’s repeating horror fiction.----Anne Rice, King, Straub, Clive Barker, Thomas Harris…What do they have in common? The fact that they each write different kinds of books…

…Name Game: Horror, Dark Fantasy, New Horror, Splatterpunks, Sex Punks, Dark Fiction, Dark Suspense, New Gothic, Weird Fiction…

Hi, I’m Thomas Ligotti of Noctuary: No one needs to be told what is weird…

Right…Once given life, it is doomed to die…



Dead Literary History has proven that fear is the only constant of storytelling…

Excuse me, this is Frank Herbert giving you the abridged Litany Against Fear: I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer, the little death that brings total destruction. Instead, I will face my fear. I will allow it to flow around me, and then it will be gone. Only I will remain.

(Because the spice must flow?)


*Startle* Anyway…The year 1900 marked the transition of this literature from the Gothic to Iconic…

…Horror is that which cannot be made safe---evolving, ever-changing--- because it is about our relentless need to confront the unknown, the unknowable, and the emotion we experience while in its thrall…

…Like that of demolition experts who bring own old and rotten buildings. Do you know what they call their craft? They call it Making Sky. If you believe in horror, then join me, in the name of horror…Let’s go make some sky.

Re-Blasting the sky into a eulogy on November 24 2008 10:40 pm in this wake far away behind awake eyes in closed eyelids after watching Kite Runner

seeing in the Alphabet of Death after J and G the letter L hanging, hanged, hung---

The bastard killed himself just last Thursday the Judas-fuck-U-all-fuck-this-SHIT-fuck-U-very-much-way

And the I in the Alphabet of Life is pissed and has been giving this letter the finger since Friday Because the rest of the letters are all Ys in the sky and the

I cannot cry

Or scream

in Horror

laughs You Just Made Sky, So Fly, You Bastard, Fly!

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