Monday, May 9, 2011

Ted & Sylvia Case 41004852

That Sylvia was reading a note that morning written by That Ted that night.

That Ted said:

I’m sorry baby.

I do miss you, you know. It’s funny, the difference between the past month and the past two days is that all the worries are there but you’re not around. Thinking about stuff, about my life, about you. I do love you. And I do want to marry you. At the same time, I want to give you a better life than this but not at the cost of always being at the office or somewhere working and you being the home maker. I want a life with you.

I wish I was a rich old man.

Maybe that’s why I want to be a commercial writer. Bring in the dough without losing you. But then again, I always figured you to be the writer between the two of us. Not that I think you should go commercial. But you’re an artist. I’m just a hack. Did I ever tell you that you write beautifully? You do.

And reading That Ted’s words made That Sylvia sad. It made That Sylvia want to weep. But That Sylvia did not. That Sylvia nodded, inhaled, exhaled--- Life with you, Our life--- and resolved to write only in notebooks for That Ted needed That Sylvia to believe That Ted could wield words the way That Sylvia could. All That Sylvia really wanted was for those words in the notebooks to be read by That Ted. But That Ted would have hated That Sylvia. And so That Sylvia preferred to be in the background of public words. That Sylvia loved That Ted more than That Sylvia loved words.

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